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Suzuki Sirius chromatic Harp 48 / 56 / 64 /Bass S48 B

SIRIUS CHROMATIC S-48S   Suzuki Chromatic Harmonicas

The Suzuki SIRIUS combines  excellent sound production and elegant design which will impress both  audience and players alike. Suzuki has used their vast experience and  knowhow to create the FABULOUS series, which in turn has let to the  creation of the SIRIUS. Every detail about the design of the â  Sirius™ has been carefully researched, resulting in a new standard of Chromatic Harmonica.This unique model allows the player to perform a wider range of playing expressions.


Range:12-hole, 48 notes (c1 to d4) sliding chromatic.
Slide Alignment: Straight
Material: Body- ABS plastic comb(body) contained with weighted brass.
Cover- Brass with mat black chrome plating.
Reed plate- Brass with chrome plating.
Reed- Phosphor bronze.
Mouthpiece- Brass with silver plating.
Accessory: Plastic Case


Sirius Chromatic48 Notes, Range C1 ~ D4



MDS TOP-PREIS  €  499,00

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Versand zuzügl. € 6,90

SIRIUS CHROMATIC S-56 S    Suzuki Chromatic Harmonicas

The Suzuki SIRIUS combines  excellent sound production and elegant design which will impress both  audience and players alike. Suzuki has used their vast experience and  knowhow to create the FABULOUS series, which in turn has let to the  creation of the SIRIUS. Every detail about the design of the â  Sirius™ has been carefully researched, resulting in a new standard of Chromatic Harmonica.This unique model allows the player to perform a wider range of playing expressions.


S-56S Sirius Chromatic Series   14 HOLE, 56 notes$ 1069.99


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Versand zuzügl. € 6,90

SIRIUS CHROMATIC S-56 C    Suzuki Chromatic Harmonicas

The Suzuki SIRIUS combines  excellent sound production and elegant design which will impress both  audience and players alike. Suzuki has used their vast experience and  know how to create the FABULOUS series, which in turn has let to the  creation of the SIRIUS. Every detail about the design of the â  Sirius™ has been carefully researched, resulting in a new standard of Chromatic Harmonica.This unique model allows the player to perform a wider range of playing expressions.

s 56 c



14-hole, 56 notes (g~d4 )


Brass (Blasting processing)+black chrome plating cover
ABS  ‹brass weight body
Brass  ‹silver plating mouthpiece

Slide action

Long stroke (cross alignment)






ABS case

Matt finished cover & high precision processing silver plating mouthpiece

A black chrome-plated cover finished in a matt gives a smooth feeling which had never existed when mouth hold mothpiece.
Feeling on mouth and good smoothness, combined with silver plated mouthpiece  which have antimicrobial effect realized smooth performance ever  exsisted.
The clearance (gap) between the mouthpiece and slide  greatly affects the performance of the instrument even with a slight  difference in accuracy. Suzuki's chromatic mouthpiece realizes slide  action with little air leakage by highly accurate machining.

Slide action that is suitable for each model

The 14-hole model S-56C is a long stroke slide.
Because the  moving distance is large which makes hole on mouthpieace wider, so that  much breath can be sent. The response of sound and the sound spread are  good well and particularly the bass notes can obtain powerful sound.
Long stroke

S-56C Sirius Chromatic Series   14 HOLE, 56 notes$ 1069.99


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Versand zuzügl. € 6,90

SIRIUS CHROMATIC S-64 C    Suzuki Chromatic Harmonicas

The Suzuki SIRIUS combines  excellent sound production and elegant design which will impress both  audience and players alike. Suzuki has used their vast experience and  knowhow to create the FABULOUS series, which in turn has let to the  creation of the SIRIUS. Every detail about the design of the â  Sirius™ has been carefully researched, resulting in a new standard of Chromatic Harmonica.This unique model allows the player to perform a wider range of playing expressions.


S-64C Sirius Chromatic Series    16 HOLE, 64 notes$ 1099.99


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Versand zuzügl. € 6,90

See the most popular Suzuki Demonstation Videos under:

Suzuki Sirius Bass Harmonica S48 B

Smallest Bass Harmonica you have ever seen.

 Covering the same bass range as cello, the smallest bass harmonica you have ever seen.

Smallest class Bass harmonica covering same bass range as cello.

 S-48B is a chromatic harmonica that can play the same bass range as a  cello, with the same style and size as the standard 12-hole 48 tones  chromatic harmonica. Until now, there was only a choice of heavy bass  harmonica, but with the S-48B you can easily carry and play.

s48 B

Bass reed to achieve rich tones - Points of performance

Sirius S-48B adapt a newly developed dedicated reed.
This achieves unprecedented music range and rich bass tone, therefore the  amplitude is very large and has the characteristic of slow decay  (long-lasting).
For that reason, in the case of blowing and  breathing (breathing and blowing) one hole in low range by quick  succession without moving slide,
the valve may resonate and generate noise on the reed that continues to vibrate.
Although a special valve to reduce noise is adopted, it can be further reduced  or avoided depending on the playing method. When noise is noticeable in a specific phrase or music, please pay attention to the following points  and enjoy playing.

-Performance point (low range)-
» Not blow too much / Not breathe too much
» Be aware of constant volume balance
» Attenuate the volume and then move to blowing/breathing
» For No2.(F) which same sound comes out, use properly so as not to be continuous of breathing and blowing.

Sirius Series S-48S/ 56S/ 56C/ 64C & S-48B

 The concept of the Sirius series is the best all-round chromatic  harmonica. It is a new standard model of Suzuki Chromatic Harmonica born by know-how possessed by Suzuki and high-precision processing  technology. Recommended series for everyone from beginners to those who  want to step up. S-48B is a bass model of this series.



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Versand zuzügl. € 6,99